Main objective of the project is o develop and offer a learning facility to promote lifelong learning for adults to raise political awareness and basic civic competence particularly with emphasis on ongoing EU-enlargement and multicultural societies. The product will be used flexibly locally, so not only the content but the method of the project will attract the target groups: a learning facility offered in different environments and attractive/interesting deliveries (methods, themes, periods, lecturer, materials) within non-formal education. Target groups are people who want to enforce their political participation at various levels while broadening their European perspective, e.g. voluntary workers and employees of local and national NGOs, migrant organisations, adult education providers, local and regional politicians, people working for local and alternative media, etc. We will develop 16 modules/themes each whit different emphasis; the user can attend only modules they are particularly interested or all modules. Each module will be self-contained and nevertheless integrated in the whole concept. The contents is based on the diffusion of (simple) concepts connected with civic participation in democratic life to raise awareness of the concept of ”European membership” and to promote and disseminate the values and objectives of the European Union. Powar will increase and stimulate active participation in local political life and involve citizens closely in reflection and discussion on the EU enlargement and multicultural society. With a bride info campagne and presens (TV broadcasting, Internet TV, Internet portal, international meetings) involving social partner and a exhibition relevant materials we want disseminate and ensure the sustainability of project activities.