EURES TMS is aimed at enhancing the match between labour demand and job offers /vacancies in all EU member States plus Norway and Iceland, fostering fair and voluntary circulation of workers, in accordance with the European Pillar of Social Rights (that sets out key principles and rights essential for fair and well-functioning labour markets).
The action will combine tailor-made recruitment, matching, training and placement services with financial incentives
Are you looking for a job/traineeship/apprenticeship opportunity in another EU Member State or Iceland or Norway?
are you an employer looking to hire candidates from all over the EU or Iceland or Norway?
Then click here and explore the opportunities offered by the EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme!
To gain access to the free services provided from our Mobility Advisors, the platform and the financial benefits, you can:
- Contact US to assist with the entire process:
- Contact Form: https://forms.gle/tJ26Q1LdeTr5bqtK7
- E-mail:
- Phone Numbers:
- 0030 210 8253783
- 0030 210 8253933
- Register on the platform and you will be assigned to a fitting Mobility Advisor:
- https://euresmobility.anpal.gov.it/
- Contact EURES Anpal directly and you will be assigned to a fitting Mobility Advisor
- Email:
- EURES-TMS@anpal.gov.it
- Email:
What is EURES-TMS?
The EURES TMS connects registered candidates to employer offering job, traineeship or apprenticeship opportunities, and supports them throughout the recruitment process by providing financial allowances and tailored advice! For further details on the financial allowances available check the table below.
The EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme is co-financed by the European Commission through the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). It is designed to facilitate the creation of job mobility projects within the territory of the EU Member States + Ireland and Norway. Its key objective is to tackle labour market imbalances by targeting bottleneck vacancies and labour surpluses in a wide range of sectors.
Who can apply?
Anyone wishing to participate as a jobseeker must be:
- aged at least 18and
- national of any of the EU Member States/Ireland/Norway or
- legally resident (with long term resident status) in any of the EU Member States/Ireland/Norway
Third country nationals or EU nationals residing outside the EU territory are not eligible.
Employers must be:
- businesses or organisations that are legally established in one of the EU Member States or Iceland or Norway, regardless of the economic sector in which they operate
Are you a SME? Good news! You may apply for financial benefits to fund integration programmes for newly recruited candidates.
Where you could find work?
All the EU Member States + Iceland or Norway.
In which sector?
Any economic sector – there are no restrictions here!
For how long?
- At least 6 months for jobs and apprenticeships
- At least 3 months for traineeships
Services and benefits
EURES TMS offers to jobseekers and employers the opportunity to access to a unique, integrated and customized service counting on the assistance of qualified and long experienced professionals in matching, pre-placement, placement and post-placement: the project Advisers.
In addition to customized support and assistance, jobseekers and employers can also enjoy financial benefits:
Jobseekers above 18 years old
(citizens/residents in EU27/EFTA/EEA |
Interview allowance(covers costs of traveling for attending job interviews |
Depends on distance and duration of the journey |
Supplementary interview allowance for people with special needs |
Max € 550 | |
Relocation allowance to move to another Member State | Varies depending on country of destination | |
Supplementary relocation allowance for people with special needs |
Max € 550 | |
Language training | Max € 2.200 | |
Recognition of diplomas and qualifications | € 440 | |
Subsistence allowance for trainees and apprentices | Max € 660 το μήνα | |
(only SMEs located in EU27/EFTA/EEA) |
Integration programme: training and mentoring | Depends on number of modules provided and host country |