In today’s global knowledge society and with ever increasing mobility, migrants face many challenges before they can settle and feel part of a new community. Two major challenges, which affect many new arrivals, are lack of language skills and lack of basic knowledge on financial matters.
The aim of the project is to work together with social partners such as migrant communities and financial institutes to create a Europe wide network of relevant institutes in order to reach migrants in partner countries to improve their integration into local society by providing them with opportunities to gain language skills on basic financial matters.
Main outputs:
- created European network of fitted trainers from migrant communities able to continue delivering the skills to final beneficiaries
- developed Useful Kit of financial terminology, financial glossary and a guide with main information on financial institutes or financial information sources
- created constantly updated long-time after project is over active webportal integrating all the useful financial information, on-line trainings, contact information and networks data
Target groups:
- migrants originating from within and from outside of the EU
- social partners, education institutes and other support organisations to migrant communities.
The project will impact on:
- migrant communities members, which will be using the Kit developed during the project and the web portal for their everyday needs and will be trained by the trainers-representatives from migrant communities, equipped with the methodology to educate wider range of migrants
- migrants, who do not belong to migrant communities involved in the project, will be able to use the web portal and Kit for their self-learning of basic language on financial matters
- general public, who will use the Kit and web portal materials as an in-formal way of learning
- educational institutes, would use project materials as a non-formal way of teaching