A day-long meeting was held on May 12th, 2018 at the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce focusing on “Work-based Learning”.
Panos Milios, as the first speaker, spoke of “Life-long Learning and Work”, arguing that on the one hand vocational/technological training is useful for the adjustment of workers and businesses to a work environment which changes drastically and rapidly and on the other hand how work apprenticeships can bridge the paradox that while unemployment in our Country is high businesses complain that the cannot find qualified personnel to hire.
In addition, he informed the participants of the European Mobility Programs
- Your First Eures Job
- European Solidarity Corps – Occupational Strand και
- Reactivate
which offer to participating young persons, but also to workers who want to turn to a new direction, the opportunity to “learn” while they work at a European business, thus developing skills, acquire knowledge and acquaint themselves with different European societies.
The meeting was organized by the Scientific Union of Vocational Education & Training (Ε.Ε.Τ.Ε.Κ.) and all the presentations can be found at www.eetek.gr