Together Everyone Can Prevent Cyberbullying:
Transnational Training Activity in Bucharest, Romania
In the context of the project “TECPC: Together Everyone Can Prevent Cyberbullying”, representatives from “DIAN Training Activities”, as well as representatives from the other partners of the project, participated in the Training Activities, organized in Bucharest on 05-09 September 2022. The training was hosted by EUROED.
The project has aims to raise public awareness on issues related to Cyberbullying and create educational resources, based on scientific data to train educators, parents and students on the issue at hand.
The partners’ representatives were trained on addressing the prevention, recognition and intervention of online harassment against its cruel social and psychological impact for children in the digital era and the current pedagogical approach of preventing cyberbullying among students.
Finally, the partners presented the project and its scientific findings to a number of educators (the target group of the project). The presentation was well received by the audience, who were aware of the projects theme and its essentiality in their work.
For more information on the project please visit:
The partners have pledged to support anyone willing to implement the project in their countries or organisations