The publishing activity of DIAN started in 1987 and has been evolving based on a specific development plan.
To date, 85 titles have been published which stand out due to their content as well as their appearance. Thirty three different Lenticular cards (3d) have been printed, each displaying a Monument from Greek Antiquity as it was when it was built and as it is today.
An important publishing accomplishment has been the launching of a series comprising of Modern Greek translations of the 32 surviving tragedies of the Ancient Greek tragic poets, Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides.
Each volume contains an extensive introduction to the author and his work, the ancient text, and opposite to the latter, the Modern Greek translation in the 15-syllable iambic verse (as in the Ancient text).
In addition to its core publishing activity, “DIAN PUBLICATIONS” is also active in the following areas:
- Production of informational material for companies and institutions in Greece and abroad,
- Participation as partner in numerous EU programmes, undertaking the publication of the project material,
- Offering of know-how to third parties for the production of informational and educational material in printed or electronic form.
- Advising independent authors who wish to publish their work.
The associates of “DIAN PUBLICATIONS” are experienced professionals, who can reliably cover all phases of the publication of any simple or complex material.
DIAN’s publishing portfolio expanded in 2003 to include prints on Lenticular material.
This material enables the viewer to see two alternate images on the same surface, depending on the viewing angle.
The selected theme was Ancient Greek Heritage. In particular, 33 different postcards are in circulation, each displaying an ancient Greek monument in two forms: its original and its current state.
These postcards are of tourist interest, since they depict the best known Ancient Greek Monuments from Athens and the Attica region, Delphi, Olympia, Crete, areas of the Peloponnese, etc. They also have an educational use, as each card contains a brief description of the characteristics of the monument depicted in the Greek and the English language, thus providing a stimulus for further study.
The images have been edited by Professor Eugenia Schneider of the University of Rome. We have secured the exclusive right for use of these images from the Italian publishing company Vision . The production of the cards by DIAN is copyrighted.
Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation, (www.archipelago.gr) in the course of its research and work for the conservation of natural wealth of the Greek seas, has collected a wealth of photographic material from the unknown wildlife of our seas. DIAN has made use of this material to produce the following items:
A series of four jigsaw puzzles for children up to the age of six with images from the Greek seas. Each puzzle contains information on the image it displays, in Greek and English.
A collection of four placemats for home use. They are printed on Polypropylenium using indelible eco-friendly ink.
Proceeds from the sale of the above, are donated to support the environmental education programmes offered by “Archipelagos Institute” to schools in remote islands.