Project Description
The use of social media is a normal and integral part of daily life for young people nowadays. Moreover, with the spread of smartphones, today’s young generation are permanently online and thus constantly connected with virtual events.
The constant use of online media also has inherent dangers, though. Cyberbullying, is a form of bullying that is carried out through e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms or smartphones. These conflicts carried out in the virtual world thus find their way into the familiar environment of the home, leaving the victim without any safe haven. Furthermore, insults, abuse or compromising photos are retained for a long time on the internet.
DIAN is an educational institution for young people that has the aim of being a point of contact for problems with these issues, of informing and educating, and initiating preventative measures. The following dual strategy is intended to have a lasting impact (from the proposed project “Cyberbullying”):
- Preventative work/experience in the use of digital media through online learning and training modules for educators
- Intervention and early recognition through demonstrative example cases with a framework for discussion
- Active political engagement, to create sustainable conditions for the protection of children (and young people) in the digital world
The Greek Law towards Cyberbullying
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.