Training, Entrepreneurship, Employment and
Social Inclusion for Ex-Prisoners (TEESEP)
(Erasmus+ Small-scale partnerships in adult education)
The Project:
The project aims for the inclusion of ex-prisoners in society as useful and productive members.
For the achievement of the above aims, we intend to properly train Ex-Prisoners, in the digitalisation of documents and archives, thus making them more attractive to the labour market. This will have as an additional result to help the ex-prisoners maintain a legal life and give them the means to provide for themselves. We will also train ex-prisoners in the basic concepts of Entrepreneurship in order for them to create their own small businesses.
The members of the Ex-Prisoners will be properly trained:
On Information and Communication Technologies
On Digitalisation méthodologies
On Archiving methodologies
On Entrepreneurship
Target Group of the Project:
The target group of the project is “Ex-Prisoners”, who will have access to professional training. They are a group of people who have no access to training and education systems and are very unlikely to become valuable and productive members of society, thus increasing the chances that they will repeat offend and go back to prison. They will be trained properly on the digitalisation process in order to increase their employability and self-initiative.
The Objectives:
- To provide up-to-date and focused training to selective ex-prisoners as operators in printed archives digitalization, in order to give those certified skills to increase their chances as jobseekers after release.
- To cover an urgent and growing market need for certified properly qualified operators for digitalizing archives.
- To produce innovative vocational training material, exclusively designed for ex-prisoners, certified on ICT training, in order to function as a pilot –guide additional to the existing training programs throughout Europe.
- To encourage cooperation between the ex-prisoners communities throughout Europe with the vocational training institutions as long as well as employment opportunity institutions.
- To disseminate the results of the program in all European countries during the lifetime of the proposed project and at least 2 additional years beyond.
- To organize information days among partners in order to formulate the training material in accordance to the ex-prisoners needs.
- To organize at least one international conference among project partners, involving institutions that are providers of training, receivers of training, and selective labour market institutions in order to publicize the whole effort.
Time Plan
The activities of the project will be implemented during the 16 months of the lifetime of the project according to the following plan:
- Months 1-5. Actions at Local and Regional level (Preparations, setting the stage, networking, production and testing of materials, setting up the website)
- Months 6-10. Actions at National level (training activities and upskilling)
- Months 11-16. Promotional actions at National and European level for the broader Dissemination and for the Sustainability of the project. (Dissemination and general public engagement at a wider level, either National or European, result sharing for future actions)
The Outcomes
1) A Manual for the training of the ex-prisoners on the following,
- Digitalisation
- Archiving
- Entrepreneurship
2) Web-page for promoting the projects objectives as well as its potential outcomes
3) Goal-oriented training activities (via virtual classroom or blended training) targeting ex-prisoners.
4) Online Evaluation for each participant with the use of a Questionnaire.
5) E-Platform in which the participants:
- will be able to present their activities
- will exchange ideas and experiences with groups or individuals from other regions.
6) Digital Leaflets for the promotion of the project.