Η DIAN είναι μέλος των Ευρωπαϊκών Οργανισμών EVBB, Euroreso, GINCO και Shadows Network τα οποία αριθμούν συνολικά περισσότερα από 120 μέλη από τις 27 χώρες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
Επίσης, η DIAN υλοποιεί Εκαπιδευτικά Προγράμματα με το Moscow Trade Union Federation.
Στη πολύχρονη παρουσία της DIAN στον ευρωπαϊκό χώρο έχει συνεργαστεί με τους παρακάτω Οργανισμούς:
Country / Organisation |
Austria |
Orff Forum |
Berufsförderungsinstitut Oberösterreich (BFI OOE) |
Belgium |
Die Berater |
De kleine Academie |
Federation des communautes Helleniques de Belgique |
Eufrese |
Bulgaria |
Znanie Association |
138mo SOU “Prof. Vassil Zlatarski” (SOU) |
Obshtinska Administracia – Simitli |
WUG Bularia Ltd |
KU TU Ltd |
Glavbolgarstroy AD (GBS) |
BCCPO- The Bulgarian –German Vocational Training Center Pazardjik |
Chitalishte Development Foundation |
Trakia University – Faculty of Education |
Municipality Dobrich |
Czech Republic |
Ostravska Universita |
Athena-Association for Education and Development of Women |
Regionalni hospodarska Komors Ostrava |
Tempo Training & Consulting |
Meter Silesia, Ltd |
Germany |
DIE-Deutsches Institut fur Erwachsenenbildung |
TUV Akademie Gmbh |
ESTA Europa Forum |
EBG – Europaische Bildungswerke fur Beruf und Gesellschaft |
Dialoge Language Institute |
Bremen University |
Theatre Instabile Berlin |
Buro Fur Internationale Transfers Und Beratung |
Gesellschaft Fur Europabildung |
Initiative zur sozialen Rehabilitation e.V. |
The Patients Information Center for Natural Medicine |
EVBB – Europaischer Verband beruflicher Bildungstrager e.V. |
TBB – Turkishcer Bund Berlin Brandenburg |
Volkssolidaritat Magdeburg |
Open channel TV Munster |
Turkish Union Berlin – Brandenburg |
Nordvestjysk Uddannelsescenter |
Euro Info Centre Viborg |
CJD Bodensee Oberschwaben |
Stiftung Medien- und Online Sucht (SMOS) |
Studio Gaus GmbH |
Hellas |
Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Trikala |
Dimos Zefiriou |
Technical University of Crete |
The Moraitis School |
Hellenic Society for Child Help and Support |
Development Agency of karditsa |
Eco-Consultants |
Εργομάθηση Α.Ε. |
Επίκουρος- Μελέτη, θεραπεία κι υποστήριξη διαταραχών νόησης και κίνησης |
Harokopio University of Athens |
International School of Athens |
Yannopoulos Schools |
Spain |
Alonso Y Garay S-L- Asimag |
Diputation Provincial de Huelva |
Iniciativas Innovadoras |
Istituto de Formacion Y estudios Sociales |
IFI – Instituto de Formacion Integral |
France |
CAFOC Auvergne |
Delegation Regional aux droits des Femmes et a l’Egalite |
Chambre de Commerce & D’ Industrie Marseille Provence (CCIMP) |
Ireland |
Smashing Times Theatre Company |
Executive Coaching Solution Limited |
Italy |
Training 2000 of Mondavio |
Centre Theatre Calabria |
Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bologna |
Comunita Montana Alto Jonio |
Euroreso |
Asscosiazione Biocert |
Cerra Italia Onlus |
Conero Res |
Lithuania |
Soros International House |
Moteru Informacijos Centras |
Hungary |
University of Debrecen |
The Netherlands |
Pressure Line V.O.F. |
Stichting Reflexion / The Reflexion Foundation |
de Plannenmakers Beleidsadviescentrum Utrecht BV (de Plannenmakers) |
Poland |
Academy of Humanities and Economics In Lodz |
Romania |
Ispectoratul Scolar al Municipiului Bucuresti |
Colegiul Tehnic “Media” |
EuroEd Foundation |
University of Oradea |
Brasov Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
Asociatia Pentru Educatie Permanenta in Medium Rural (AEPMR) |
Fundaţia Romano-Germana Timisoara |
Center for rural assistance |
German – Romanian Foundation, Centre for Vocational Training and Development Timosoara |
School Inspectorate of Maramures County |
Slovenia |
Greogorius College, Slovenia |
Inter-kulturo, d.o.o. |
Slovakia |
SIOV – State Vocational Education and Training Institute |
SPU – National Institute of Education, Bratislava |
Transfer Slovensko |
Euro-Projectservice |
Euro-Projektservis – Europske vzdelavacie strediska pre povolanie a spolocnost |
The Slovak University of Agriculture (in Nitra) |
Partnership of social inclusion Brenzno |
Slovak University of the third Age |
Edukácia@Internet (E@I) |
Finland |
Tulossilta Tampere |
Jukka Kallio EU Project and Enterprise Development |
Sweeden |
Amu Hadar |
National Institute for the Deaf |
United Kingdom |
Entente of Birmingham |
Τhe Hellenic Centre, London |
DHE Solutions Ltd. |
Lancaster & Morecambe College |
Highland Opportunity Ltd – Euro Info Centre Inverness |
Fish Industry Association (Highlands & Islands) |
Entente UK: The Exchange Network for Training and Enterprise |
Liverpool Hope University |
Turkey |
ERBAA Kultur Varliklarini |
MESEV – Milli Egitim Saglik Egitim Vakfi |
Hazreti Suleyman Egitim Vakfi |
MKV International Consulting Training and Trade Company Limit |
Karabaglar Adult Education Centre |
Sulukule |
ESTA Danismanlik |
Mugla Üniveritesi |
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy Gazi Unicersity, Ankara |
Sakarya University |
BSB Assosiation of Documentary Filmmakers |
Russia |
Moscow Trade Union Federation |